Wednesday 13 January 2016

Filming session 4

In this session of filming, the group and I travelled to 2 different locations through the help of a peer to finish collecting the footage for our video. We firstly visited John Leigh Park to film the scenes where Tavonga and Eboni were in a flashback of the happy memories that they had as a couple. There was an obstacle at this point as the natural lighting that we had planned to use from the sun had gone down and so we improvised with artificial lighting from the flash lights on our phones. As Eboni was playing a part for the footage at this point, myself and Beth took the dominant roles of filming. I firstly filmed Tavonga and Eboni on the swings together in the park from a low angle for an audience to look up to and admire the love that they previously had for one another. The audience are then following a narrative rather than acting passive as they watch the video. At this point, Beth shone the flash light on the pair to create a spotlighting effect to cancel out the darkness.

At the same location, we filmed a similar piece where Tavonga and Eboni were hugging on a bench in the evening. Beth took over from me to film here and I used the flash light to provide clarity when the camera focused on the couple. Again, the low angle shot was used to create a sense of romance which I used from the feedback of our focus group. The audience said they preferred they prefer old romantic RnB videos as opposed to new ones about wealth and success and so we created a very romantic feeling with the activity of the couple and the rose which was used as a motif and symbol of love. In the same area of the park, I then assissted in filming another romantic scene where Tavonga and Eboni hold hands and walk to and away from the camera. We used the scene where they are walking away to show how the connection they have is beginning to fade as this is the story of the video.

Our second location of the night was a car park in Hale where we knew we could have a professional background for Tavonga to dance in front of. The brick wall background was perfect as we had a car to shine the headlines on as a form of spotlighting to assist the audiences aesthetic needs. The backdrop helped Tavonga to stand out and we filmed a wide shot so that we could include his range of dance moves and the whole performance. We played the song off a phone and Tavonga sung along whilst performing so that we could edit the clips between the narrative to vary the type of video with performance parts to. We will then match up his voice with the audio when editing by turning down the diegetic music and
overlapping it with the non diegetic audio of the song which is
 already uploaded onto the Macs.

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