Friday 15 January 2016

Editing session 5

This too was a short editing session however, we have now collected all of the footage that we need for the video with the help of Tavonga to film. In this session, we ensure that none of the footage would have exporting problems and all shots were filmed landscape as opposed to portrait which was the mistake that we made previously. The majority of the session was taken up by adjusting the length of many of the clips. I have filmed the whole performance of Tavonga in the car park and so we do not need to extend or drag out the narrative clips as we can fill in space with Tavonga performing the song so we are in a very good position. We frequently used the 'blade and crop' feature on Final Cut Pro X to cut the clips up to make sure that they matched up in time with the other shots that we had and to cut out any diegetic speech or noises that were made after we had the footage that we wanted. We were also cropping the scenes that we had re filmed at my house as they were now landscape and fitted in to the video. Most of this was the argument scene which shows the audience the first scenes of argument and trouble in the relationship. This is where the audience become involved and interested in the story of the video.

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