Monday 11 January 2016

Contact with Tavonga

The filming schedule for our group has been heavily dependent on the availability of Tavonga is he is often booked up for time due to his studies and his music classes and auditions. It has therefore been key that we are able to film when he is free and so I took it upon myself to organise this. Here I am organising some week nights to film with Tavonga once he has finished in college and once me and my group have finished sixth form for the day. Tavonga told me that he was free on Tuesday and Wednesday and so we will film both times with him on these days to get his parts over and done with. As it has been hard to meet up with him, we have ensured that all filming where Tavonga isn't involved, we have completed. I have filmed time lapses from my bedroom and Beth has too, whilst Eboni is acting in the video and we have filmed the parts where she is alone so that we can edit this early without waiting for the footage that Tavonga features in. Once we film these last 2 days with Tavonga, we will have all of our footage in and then we are finally able to finish editing and upload the music video to YouTube for assessment and feedback.

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