Wednesday 13 January 2016

Editing session 3

For this session I was not available to edit due to other commitments however, it was only going to be a small session  and so I wasn't missing out on too much. In my absence, Beth and Eboni edited the scenes that were filmed in my house whilst ordering all the current footage that we had into a narrative, chronological sequence.

We had to make room for some performance footage which we decided upon as we had initially put the idea on the storyboard. This idea was to film a selfie video at the Christmas markets however, these had closed before the time that Tavonga was able to film. Instead we are tonight going to film this performance element in a car park to show Tavonga singing the song and dancing.

The footage that was filmed wrong (from a portrait perspective) was no longer going to be used however, we still filled this into the footage so that when we had the correct footage, we are able to see where it needs to go as the previous footage will still be there.

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