Tuesday 29 December 2015

Filming session 1

Over the Christmas holidays, we eventually began filming as our locations were possible and equipment was ready to use. With the assistance of Eboni, she and I filmed a short time lapse in the location of a friends garden which fitted the criteria that we wanted in terms of a backdrop. We filmed the time lapse on an iPad in the back garden to show the sun going down from light to dark as a symbol of time passing in context to show how the artist is missing his partner. I wanted to use as much unique technology as possible that was available to modernise the video and include features that may challenge the conventions of a usual RnB video.

Before this, I trialled a time lapse from my bedroom to see how it may look and I have decided that the footage will be in contention for the final video as the lighting is perfect to show time passing and daily activities continuing whilst showing the idea of time going very slowly for Tavonga, the artist. This draft footage could be useful and so I am happy for it to be used when we edit the footage as we can add it in to break down seconds that may be needed to fill up the time of the video. I did not have a tripod for the footage at this time so I leant my phone up using some props to get a good angle with the effective view to show the time lapse of the sky moving, cars going past and doors opening and closing. This is the view that I got.

This was only a very short filming session however, we have since got a very big bit of filming done which will be evident in my next post. These pieces of footage will be very useful in-between shots to create some context but the next session is much longer with more detailed scenes and filming. 

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