Tuesday, 3 November 2015

Our artist research

Neyo is the artist of the song that we are using and we need to try to recreate his persona whilst challenging some of his typical conventions too. Obviously, we can't recreate his background such as his birthplace in America or record label but in terms of clothing and performance style, we will try to conform to. Neyo often wears hats during his videos and performance and so we will bear this is mind. Our artist is black skinned and so this matches the characteristics of Neyo whilst both are very confident and composed people.

Throughout his videos, Neyo changes his costume from smart to casual and so we have this choice of how Tavonga will dress. In some videos, he wears a suit and a hat whilst others he may wear a shirt and jeans with high top trainers and more of an informal baseball cap. Tavonga is capable of recreating both of these looks and so we will take on his decision too. In the video for 'So sick', he is dressed very casually due to the romantic narrative and so we will probably conform to this idea.


Neyo often dances in his videos and particularly at his performances but I have noticed that in videos such as: So Sick and Mad that this is not always the case. To challenge some stereotypes, we will make the most of Tavonga's ability to dance and include this in our video whilst telling the narrative story of romance which we have begun to plan in our storyboard. It is important to model Tavonga on Neyo so that we don't challenge conventions too much that it is an unrecognisable video to the song that we have picked.

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