Tuesday, 10 November 2015

Initial video thoughts

Recently, before we have started to film, we have needed to plan what will go into the video. We contacted Tavonga and together decided on the choice of song that we were happy to go with as well as Tavonga as he would be performing it. So as a 3, Eboni made a brainstorm of inital thoughts that she, Beth and I contributed to. I know that a common feature of RnB videos is love and relationships and I thought that this would be more realistic to create rather than one surrounding wealth and fast cars which none of us would have access to. I also listed some useful locations where we would not look out of place filming a music video and they consisted of urban areas where there are lots of people rather than a rural, green setting as this would be more relevant for a slower song and RnB is rarely associated with this type of setting. Our main idea is to conform to the actions of the actual song that we are using which is So Sick by Ne-yo. We therefore have planned a narrative structure where we focus on the man and the woman in the relationship and compare their lives after a break-up.

To avoid the video looking very similar to the original, we have included some ideas which challenge the original conventions to make the video our own. I firstly suggested to make the most of our technology and include a time lapse which would be effective to show how the time is passing now that their relationship has ended. Eboni then suggested that a flashback could be useful to show how they used to be in the good times previously. Finally, in terms of costume, I suggested that a suit could be appropriate in terms of costume in the way that Usher uses it. It would not be too uncomfortable to perform in whilst it still portrays a sense of class around the artist to show that he hasn't lost his way since the break-up. For scenes when he is in his bedroom or the music video however, they would be much more casual.

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