Thursday 24 September 2015

Personal Preferences

In terms of the genre of music video that we as a group are going to create, we must choose wisely to pick the genre that will be most effective to carry out whilst having all of the professional qualities that are required. I have seen many different music videos from a range of genres and so I am fairly confident of what is required from each type of video. The content in music videos can differ depending on this and the type that I prefer are the videos that have a narrative and tell a story to the audience. This would mean choosing a song with meaningful lyrics that match the events taking place in the video. My preference of this would suggest that I may prefer more indie/alternative genres as other areas such as pop have a more catchy tune purely to get into the heads of an audience. I would like the audience for my product to have felt emotion throughout the video and to feel that the music as well as the video has had an effect on them. An example of a video that effectively does this is 'Ready by Kodaline'.

This is a very emotional video which constantly has the audiences attention as it tells a very powerful story about this particular person. The lyrics of the song match perfectly with what the video is trying to show the audience and so it is a very effective piece of media. This type of music video is similar to what I would like to create because I am more fond of the text being powerful and moving for the audience rather than just being catchy and joyful in order to become popular in the mainstream charts. It is a very inspirational video which has beautiful music alongside it and if I could create something similar to this with Beth and Eboni then I would be very happy.

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