Friday 25 September 2015

Audience Feedback Ideas

Before we begin our work for the production of our main task, as a group we must decide on a genre for the music video so that we can produce it with a general target audience in mind. The most likely ways that we are going to carry out this feedback will be through a focus group and a questionnaire. We learnt the characteristics of a conventional questionnaire so that when we come round to creating one, it is the most effective that it can be.

The research that we conduct will be mainly qualitative which will include peoples: opinions, thoughts and ideas. A focus group is an effective example of this form of research which we will use to inform us of the sorts of features an audience will like in a music video. I have looked over the information of what a focus group tends to include so that we can choose the right sorts of people to set it up and produce an effective form of research. The key features were that they: lasted for around 10-15 minutes, are led by a skilled moderator, used 6-10 people for feedback and were pre-planned with pre determined questions. 

In lesson, we have also learnt about the structure of the focus groups and the procedures that we need to follow in order for it to be legitimate and professional. For our initial ideas, the group and I decided that we would carry out various focus groups in school with year 8 pupils, year 10 pupils and Sixth form pupils. This range of ages will give us a better idea about our genre of choice and what types of things different people like to see in music videos which will be very helpful information for us to improve and create more ideas.

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