Saturday 24 October 2015

Uploading focus group (Issues+Finished)

After many weeks of trying to post our focus group to YouTube so that it can be shown on my blog, we have finally managed to start the upload. Previously, the file size had been do big or we had saved it in the wrong areas but now we have it correct and we are in the process of getting it onto our blogs alongside the actual feedback that we gained from the session. In order to get the video onto YouTube, we had to create a new YouTube channel so that it would upload separately but even when we did this, the video upload expired and we had to do it again. Luckily though, it has worked now and the feedback is now alongside the YouTube video of the focus group so that my posts of chronological and make sense when read. After we left the video to upload, I checked the YouTube channel on a desktop computer to find that the video was there. It was therefore a relief that after so many problems, the video is now up for an audience to see on my blog.

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